Wednesday, November 10, 2010

what use is the 25 hour sunday

I used to call people when I knew they weren’t home and leave short poems on their answering machines. The problem with that today is twofold. 1. Cell phones and voice mail. More people abandoned land lines and carry cell phones. How do you call them when they’re not home when they take their phone with them? 2. Answering machines have fallen in use to phone service voice mail. The transfer of information via recorded message is the same, but the vehicle has changed. Old School: There was nothing like coming home, standing in your dining room or kitchen, pressing a button and listening to poetry. Time changes..

I wandered around a bit on Saturday night. well into Sunday until it was time to change the clocks. With the moon about 0% full nothing visually inspired me, only words. Vexed atwix the weight of camera and weight of pen. I sat at my desk with fresh ink. not pencil, pen. I'm not afraid of not editing. I set my clocks back for daylight savings and went to bed.

listening to the night fill the room…
i don't so much notice the clouds, or lack there of, when the moon is so new.
as such, leaves are missing from the branches of trees.
pears in the bluster of darkness drop, the foraging racoons.
momentary water fills the basement toilet (jiggle the handle).
mental note: pay attention to old things.
window sashes bumping jambs. drafts or ghosts?
coldness in the air indicates neither, could be either.
in stillness,
she breathes warmth, wearing comfortable socks
fast asleep in slumber.
i lay awake under blanket
contemplating a morning cup of tea.

what use is the 25 hour sunday?

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