Monday, October 5, 2009


cloudwalking #4301

taking a walk and shooting the clouds. the autumn sky in the morning causes pause.

I seek a vantage point to admire the clouds, to observe the trees, and appreciate the lake; as I breathe, nothing is more important than this moment. who am I to call for inner peace when the tools for concurrence already exist?

Featured 10/6/2009 on

disambiguation: "who ami I to call for inner peace"? I can't just turn inner peace on or demand inner peace on queue. The caption for the photo was partly inspired by a quote from Harry Emerson Fosdick
"No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it."

The more I look at this photo, the more I realize how important it was for me to "pause" that moment. I did not pounce, I did not demand anything. and I did not instantly relax. I merely stood still, took a deep breath, held it and then took a picture when it felt good.

I never planned for or imagined that the top of an outhouse would be included in one of my favorite photo/moments. But there it is tucked away in the subtle edge of darkness. I suppose at some point in the big picture, no matter what we're doing where ever we are, we must take care of business in order to be able to relax. For me this photo is the evacuated movement of stress.

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